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Timisoara Local Council approved the list of streets on which the parking time is limited at two hours from 2012

Date: 14/12/2011
Source: Timis Online

Timisoara local councilors approved on Tuesday the list of streets in the downtown area and adjacent to agricultural markets on which the parking time will be limited to two hours from 2012. On 28 streets the parking time is limited to two hours. In these areas will no longer be valid TelPark subscriptions, but a tax per hour.

The streets are: Vasile Alecsandri, Lucian Blaga, Janos Bolay, Dimitrie Cantemir, Enrico Carusso, Paul Chinezul, Matei Corvin, George Coşbuc, Victor Vlad Delamarina, General Traian Doda, Piaţa Libertăţii, Florimund Mercy, Radu Negru, Episcop Augustin Pacha, Palanca, General David Praporgescu, Proclamaţia de la Timişoara, Eugeniu de Savoya, Piaţa Sfântul Gheorghe, Mărăşeşti, Gheorghe Lazăr, General Eremia Grigorescu, Emanoil Ugureanu, Sergent Constantin Muşat, Regimentul 5 Vânători, Piaţa Unirii, Francesco Grisellini and Gheorghe Dima.

On the perimeters around the food markets, the parking will be also limited to two taxable hours: Iosefin Market,  Iancu Văcărescu Street (between Splaiul Tudor Vladimirescu and Regele Carol I),  on Regele Carol I Boulevard (between Văcărescu and Iuliu Maniu),  Badea Cârţan Market, on Splaiul Industria Lânii (Splaiul Protopop Meletie Drăghici), 700 Market,  Sf. Ioan, Coriolan Brediceanu and Nikolaus Berwanger Streets.



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