In this section we present different studies and other types of resources that give a complete image of West Region Romania to foreign investors. There are two categories of studies: studies elaborated by West RDA and studies elaborated by other organizations.
I. Studies elaborated by West RDA
1.1. Regional study - Particularities and challenges regarding the IT&C sector - West Region
Author: West Regional Development Agency Romania
[Summary in English]
The ICT sector has a major importance in economic development and contributes to competitiveness's growth at national and regional level. In this context the regional researches of economic impact of enlargement on the Information Society on productivity's growth should be encouraged.
This study aims to identify the economic characteristics of businesses active in the ICT sector on levels, the analysis of the characteristics and dynamics of employment in ICT sector in West Region and the analysis of the method for assessing the factors that influence the development on medium-term of the ICT sector.
1.2. Regional study - Particularities and challanges regarding the automotive sector - West Region
Author: West Regional Development Agency Romania
[English language]
This study aims to realize an analysis of the particularities and challenges of the manufacturers of automotive components industry in West Region Romania to identify the sustaining and development prospects based on the needs of these industries and of the existing resources (economic, social and institutional resources).
The automotive industry is characterized by globalization. Speaking about the automotive industry we often meet as termes like foreign direct investment, global production or international trade. The suppliers of parts and subassemblies followed their manufacturers and became global suppliers.
1.3. Impact study regarding grant funded programs managed by West RDA - West Region
Author: West Regional Development Agency Romania
[Romanian language]
The main purpose of this study was to assess the impact on West Region of the various PHARE programs financed using the National Fund for Regional Development conducted during 2000-2008 by West Regional Development Agency as body involved in managing programs, but also through the promoters of projects and the final beneficiaries.
Addressing this impact is to analyze the financial allocations that were available to different types of beneficiaries, the amounts that they have been attracted and the areas where have been implemented projects.
Also, this study dealt with a series of difficulties met at different stages of the project, difficulties that have faced both the beneficiaries of funds and the institutions involved in management programs, in the context in which such obstacles may be encountered also when developing projects or programs unrolled through the Structural Funds.
1.4. The Regional Innovation Strategy West Region 2009-2013
In 2004, West Regional Development Agency developed the Regional Innovation Strategy with funding from the European Union. So far, this strategic initiative led to the creation of pilot projects, such as "Tehimpuls - Regional Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer", "Automotivest - Regional Cluster Initiative in Automotive Sector" or infrastructure projects and services for Research-Development-Innovation (RDI) of regional actors.
West Region is the first region in Romania which elaborated a strategy for regional innovation for the period 2005-2008, as part of the Framework Programme 5 -Measure "Regional Innovation Strategies in the Associated Countries".
The overall aim of West Region RIS is to speed up the economic development of West Region by integrating innovation and knowledge into the public policies and the current activity of the enterprises, in order to increase the competitiveness of innovative products and services on the global market.
Thus, in 2009, the European Year of Creativity and Innovation, West RDA updated West Region's Regional Innovation Strategy 2009-2013, according to the developments of RDI and business environment in West Region and to the funding opportunities available from Structural Funds. The update was made in partnership with public and private actors from West Region, with West RDA strategic partners, public administration, chambers of commerce, education and research institutions, companies active in the field of innovation, SMEs.
The Regional Innovation Strategy 2009-2013 is made of 3 strategic axes, each with following priorities:
1. Supporting the innovation infrastructure that generates added value in terms of RDI products/solutions/technologies
1.1 The development of new services by TehImpuls and other research and technological transfer institutions
1.2 Encouraging the association of enterprises within a sector and the formation of clusters
1.3 Expanding and creating new locations for the development of innovative companies that are based on research
2. Supporting innovation in enterprises with the help of their internationalization
2.1 Increasing enterprise Competitiveness through RDI investments
2.2 Creating enterprise internationalization services
2.3 Giving financial support from the preseed and seed regional funds
3. Promoting the innovation culture at regional level
3.1 Supporting innovation within the regional development policy
3.2 Promoting and disseminating the innovation culture at the level of the West Region
Author: West Regional Development Agency Romania
[English language]
1.5. Demographic evolution of West Region
Author: West Regional Development Agency Romania
[Romanian language]
West Regional Development Agency initiated this action to obtain a regional image of the demographic dynamics in the context in which the basic information on population are essential for understanding human behavior and anticipate changes.
This analysis leverages regional official statistics compiled by the National Institute of Statistics (yearbooks, newsletters, etc.), national and European reports and plays them as tables, graphs and maps for a better understanding of the complexity of the area investigated. Beyond the statistical information collected to synthesize, this document aims to provide policy support and strategic planning approaches (development projects, economic investment, infrastructure, planning, etc.) taking into account demographic variables.
1.6. The development of business infrastructure in West Region - Action Plan
Author: West Regional Development Agency Romania
[Romanian language and English Summary]
West RDA is the main actor in developing the Regional Development Plan (2009-2013, 2014-2020) and other strategic documents or sectoral analysis (automotive, ICT, demographic , etc.), at the level of involvement in strategic planning of socio-economic development of the region.
This paper proposes a preliminary version / proposal of a regional Plan for Improving the business infrastructure in the West Region. It is the result of systematic work within the project submitted Mitki (Managing in the Knowledge Era Industrial Territory), funded by INTERREG program, which aims to build a platform for communication between regions and provide appropriate mechanisms to collect, exchange and transfer experiences to identify and test solutions and tools to improve the management intervention of industrial parks and business facilities.
1.7. Prospective study on the development Timisoara - Arad axis, polarizing centers of development in the West Region
[Romanian language]
West RDA aims to achieve through this study a model of sustainable integrated urban development based on economic, social and territorial cohesion. The study is conducted by West RDA during September 2012 - February 2013. The final document can be consulted here.
1.8. Increasing the impact of structural funds on the quality of life in the West Region
[Romanian language]
The purpose of this study is to identify potential of development and attracting funds to improve the quality of life and transform West Region into an attractive place to live, work and visit. The study was conducted by West RDA with IRES, in September 2012 - March 2013. The results of this project are:
- Quality of life in urban areas in the West Region;
- Report on the quality of life in the West Region;
- Regional Project Portfolio
1.9. Regional Transport and Mobility Study
[Romanian language]
West RDA conducted during June-December 2012 a study on the transport system in order to support the development of transport policy and improve accessibility, territorial development, competitiveness and cohesion. Documents developed within the project:
- Analysis of regional data;
- Modeling mobility;
- West Region Transport Strategy;
- Action Plan for mobility;
- Indicative list of projects
1.10. Sustainability - Engine development in West Region
[Romanian language]
West RDA implemented a project during June-December 2012 that envisages developing a methodology for the analysis of the level of sustainable development in West Region enabling better regional programming activities based on diagnosing resources and development needs in terms of sustainability. The report on sustainable development in West Region can be consulted here.
1.11. Assistance from the Smart Specialization Platform (S3) for West Region Digital Agenda Strategy
[English language]
On 12 of February, West RDA hosted a delegation formed by Mr Crister Mattsson and Marco Forzati, experts from the Swedish Institute ACREO. The meeting was facilitated by the Smart Specialization Platform (S3) supported by the European Commission Joint Research Centre, co-chaired by DG REGIO and DG Research&Innovation, aiming to provide consultancy to regions in order to elaborate policies for the IT Sector and Digital Agenda Strategy.
Following the meeting, the experts formulated a report that can be downloaded here...
The report contains a range of observations concerning the potential and the conditions to develop a Regional Digital Agenda for West Region Romania.
1.12. Agrofood Study by IMP³rove - European Innovation Management Academy
Free vouchers have
been provided by IMP³rove - European Innovation Management Academy, external partner of NICHE consortium, to
evaluate the innovation management of 140 companies in the food sector in NICHE
regions, using a proficient benchmarking tool.
evaluation brought significant added value to the baseline assessment carried
out in the first two semesters of the project and also provided a clear picture of the food sector at
the level of the partner regions in order to position it and compare it at
regional and European level.
The study is available here...
II. Studies elaborated by other organizations
2.1. Reinventing European growth, Ernst & Young's European attractiveness survey 2009
Author: Ernst & Young
[English language]
In this troubled and fascinating year, Ernst & Young's 2009 European attractiveness survey reports on the 3,718 mobile capital investments made in 42 European countries by multinationals, both large and small, which have created more than 148,000 jobs. These foreign investors have pursued locations with supply chain potential, competitive costs and advantageous resources, attractive national and local tax structures, business incentives and technology clusters.
3,718 projects were announced in 2008, putting an end to five years of sustained inward investment growth. In 2008, Europe secured as many Foreign Direct Investment projects as the year before, but the impact of the economic crisis on job creation was severe. But the number of jobs created by FDI fell 16 per cent to 148,333, accelerating a downward trend underway since 2004.
2.2. Invest in Romania! 2009 - PricewaterhouseCoopers
Author: PricewaterhouseCoopers
[English language]
During these troubled times, benefiting from all the incentives available from the state budget and being aware of all state aid scheme that suit their business need is a must for all companies. The purpose of this booklet is to offer you a high level understanding of what is available at this time and get an overview of what could be applicable for you.
2.3. European Union foreign direct investment yearbook 2008 (data 2001 - 2006) - Eurostat
Author: Eurostat
[English language]
In the "European Union foreign direct investment pocketbook 2008", Eurostat presents and analyses harmonised statistics on FDI flows, stocks and income for the EU as a whole.
The foreign direct investment pocketbook provides users with analytical aspects of foreign direct investment stocks, flows and income for the European Union. The pocketbook has a simple objective: to provide political and corporate decision-makers with high quality statistical information on direct investment.
2.4. Cluster paper 2008 - EC working paper
Author: Comisia Europeana
[English language]
The main objective of this Working Paper of the Commission Services is to present and further analyse the concept of clusters and to inform about main policy approaches in support of clusters.
This paper describes the potential role of clusters, cluster policies and cluster initiatives for competitiveness and innovation and the available statistical evidence on this. The purpose of this paper is neither to evaluate the impact of specific individual cluster policies and initiatives in Europe nor to provide an impact assessment of the actions implemented or planned at European level in support of clusters. Instead, it provides factual information on the concept of clusters and its economic impact as well as on current policy approaches in their support.
2.5. Cloe clusters linked over Europe - Cluster management guide
Author: Cloe project
[English language]
This "Cluster Management Guide" is the first document to define the most important steps for the installation of a cluster initiative. The Guide shows how a cluster can be successfully established, financed and expanded. Best practice examples from the CLOE regions clarify this process further.
This "Cluster Management Guide" reflects the experiences made by the CLOE partners in the field of cluster creation and development. It is the first guide on the creation and management of clusters that takes into account the different conditions prevailing in the participating countries.
2.6.Global Competitiveness Report 2010-2011
Author: Global Economic Forum
[English language]
The Report contributes to the understanding of the key factors determining economic growth, helps to explain why some countries are more successful than others in raising income levels and opportunities for their respective populations, and offers policymakers and business leaders an important tool in the formulation of improved economic policies and institutional reforms.
This year's Report features a record number of 139 economies, and thus continues to be the most comprehensive assessment of its kind. It contains a detailed profile for each of the economies featured in the study as well as an extensive section of data tables with global rankings covering over 100 indicators.
2.7 Romania's automotive industry symbolizes the transition to
low-budget cars. A new dimension of low-budget cars.
By its focus on this market, the Romanian automotive industry is in the comfortable position of having the right product to aim at two growing target segments: the unsaturated emerging markets and the growing WE client group with a preference for affordable cars. For a preview of the Ernst&Young Romania country profile please navigate here.
2.8 Romania Business Passport, Ernst & Young, 2011
[English language]
Ernst & Young is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services.
This publication contains information about Romania in summary form, current as 1st January 2011: country overview, business overview, mergers and acquisitions, taxation in Romania. The main objective of this paper is to provide all the information an investor or a company needs to know in order to set up a business plan in Romania.
2.9 "Services for competitiveness and smart specialization in West Region"
Author: World Bank
[Romanian and English version]
Through the Technical Assistance Program, the World Bank conducted for West RDA a research project entitled Services for competitiveness and smart specialization in West Region whose goal is to identify policies and interventions that can improve regional competitiveness.
Below you can download the progress reports, the final ones will be available in July.
Economic Geography Assessment: Territorial Development Challenges in the West Region
Territorial Assessment: Profile, Performance, and Drivers of Growth in the West Region
Trade and Transport Facilitation and Logistics Infrastructure. Key challenges and opportunities
Competitiveness of West Romania Firms: Diagnostics, Challenges and Opportunities
2.10. European Competitiveness Report 2012
[English version]
This publication is prepared by Unit A5 "Economic Analysis and Impact Assessment", Enterprise & Industry DG.
The 2012 report looks at how globalization has changed the way firms cooperate, and the advantages and limitations of business networks (as compared to clusters). It looks at the EU's neighbourhood policies as a source of competitive and value chain gains.
The Report can be consulted here...
2.11. EY's attractiveness survey - Europe 2014
Author: Ernst & Young
[English language]
EY's attractiveness surveys are widely recognized as a key source
of insight on foreign direct investment (FDI). Examining the attractiveness of
a particular region or country as an investment destination, the surveys are
designed to help businesses to make investment decisions and governments to
remove barriers to future growth. A two-step methodology analyzes both the
reality and perception of FDI in the respective country or region.
The survey can be consulted here...
2.12. Global Innovation Index 2016
The Global Innovation Index 2016 (GII), in
its 9th edition this year, is co-published by Cornell University, INSEAD, and
the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO, an agency of the United
Nations, UN). IMP³rove - European Innovation Management Academy contributes as
knowledge partner.
The Global Innovation Index (GII) is used as a
tool for reviewing and supporting various innovation policies and their claims
to effectiveness.
The index can be consulted here...
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