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30/10/2019 /
Agenția pentru Dezvoltare Regională Vest alături de Consiliul Județean Hunedoara, organizează, în data de 12 noiembrie 2019, un eveniment dedicat companiilor din județul Hunedoara care doresc să își dezvolte afacerea și să inițieze parteneriate de afaceri cu alte companii din Europa si ... details
20/08/2019 /
West Regional Development Agency Romania (West RDA), as Enterprise
Europe Network partner, in collaboration with the China IPR SME Helpdesk is organizing the \"IPR and Business in
China\" seminar. The event will take place in Timișoara, Locanda Events, on September
13, 2019, starting at ... details
08/05/2019 /
organizes the Global Pitch event, the world biggest online showcase of
start-ups and innovative companies. The event's objective is to create a
virtual stage dedicated to talented start-ups from all around the world in order to pitch their
companies in front of international juries... details
20/11/2018 /
West Regional Development Agency (West RDA), as Enterprise Europe Network partner, together with EEN partners from UK and Belgium, are organising the decentralised training \"Leading the Change - embarking on the post-2021 quest”.
The event will take place in Timișoara, between December 12... details
15/11/2018 /
Enterprise Europe Network is organizing a brokerage session at Mobile World Congress 2019, famous event dedicated to ICT technology and innovation, to be held in Barcelona, Spain, between February 26-28, 2019.
The brokerage session offers participants the opportunity to identify potential interna... details
30/10/2018 /
We are pleased to invite you to the brokerage session dedicated to Industry 4.0 that will take
place in Bilbao, Spain, on November 26, 2018.
SME integration to Industry 4.0 is organized in partnership
with the European Commission, where 6 European Union regions that have
identified Indu... details
26/10/2018 /
We are pleased to invite you to the brokerage session dedicated to the agri-food/enogastronomic sector that will take place from November 19-20, 2018, in Mostra d’Oltremare, Naples, Italy.
\"GUSTUS – Food and beverage Fair\" is organised under the umbrella of Enterprise Europe Netwo... details
Establishing your business
Doing business
Structural Funds
In curand
Invitation - Centro Exporta Business Matchmaking 2018 ARTICLES
17/10/2018 / “Open4Business” Matchmaking Event, 4-6 October 2017, Pécs, Hungary
03/08/2017 / “Match4Industry Business Matching Event”, 6th ed., Matchmaking Event, 2-3 November 2017, Kocaeli, Turkey
31/07/2017 / “EU-China Business & Technology Cooperation Fair”, Conference and Matchmaking Event, October 24th - 31st 2017, Beijing, China
11/07/2017 / “Business Internationalization Forum”, Conference and Matchmaking Event, November 3rd 2017, East Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
30/06/2017 /
Success story: Foreign Direct Investment - Siliken
Siliken is a global company integrated in the value chain of the solar industry which began its activities in June 2001. In February 2011, Siliken opened a solar panels production unit with a total of...
Siliken is a global company integrated in the value chain of the solar industry which began its activities in June 2001. In February 2011, Siliken opened a solar panels production unit with a total of...