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24/04/2018 /
Regional Development Agency, as a partner of
the Enterprise Europe Network, hosts a Belgian economic mission in
Timisoara on 8 May 2018. The
objective of this mission is to
support Romanian and Belgian companies to start new business partnerships.
The event is dedicated to the agro-foo... details
05/03/2018 /
Sad Fair and Enterprise Europe Network Serbia - Chamber of
Commerce and Industry of Serbia and Business Incubator Novi Sad are organizing the 85th International
Agricultural Fair and Brokerage Event \"AgroB2B@NSFair\", on May 16, 2018,
and drink Producers ... details
22/02/2018 /
The EU-Vietnam Business Network (EVBN), EEN partner consortium in Vietnam,
is organizing the 2nd edition of EuroSphere - the Art of European Living
Exhibition, in
the period 18th to 20th May 2018, in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. EuroSphere is an annual and unique exhibition dedicated to bringi... details
31/01/2018 /
PROMPERU (Peru Export and Tourism Promotion Agency), Peruvian EEN member, is
organizing the XXIst edition of the
international PERU MODA & PERU GIFTSHOW 2018 - B2B MATCHMAKING, in
the period 25th to 27th
April 2018, in Lima, Peru. Perú Moda and Perú Moda Deco is a commercial
platform tha... details
18/12/2017 /
The Regional Competition ScaleUP 2017 is a pilot ran by West RDA's
dedicated to SMEs from West and South-West Oltenia development regions
with potential for scaling up, organized in the context of
Enterprise Europe Network - the largest businesses
support network in the world. The compet... details
24/11/2017 /
HUNGEXPO, Budapest Fair Center with the support of Enterprise
Europe Network is
organizing the 35th edition of the
international matchmaking and expo event, \"AGROmashEXPO Agricultural Machine Show, Hungarian Garden, Viticulture and
Viniculture\", in the period 25th -
28thJanuary 2018, in
Bud... details
17/11/2017 /
Stimate Doamne / Stimati Domni, După cum știți, am lansat
Competiția Regională ScaleUP, deschisă IMM-urilor din orice sector economic din Regiunile
Vest și Sud-Vest Oltenia, cu o vechime de minim 3.
Companiile câștigătoare vor
beneficia, pe parcursul anului 2018, de un pachet de consu... details
Establishing your business
Doing business
Structural Funds
In curand
Invitation - Centro Exporta Business Matchmaking 2018 ARTICLES
17/10/2018 / “Open4Business” Matchmaking Event, 4-6 October 2017, Pécs, Hungary
03/08/2017 / “Match4Industry Business Matching Event”, 6th ed., Matchmaking Event, 2-3 November 2017, Kocaeli, Turkey
31/07/2017 / “EU-China Business & Technology Cooperation Fair”, Conference and Matchmaking Event, October 24th - 31st 2017, Beijing, China
11/07/2017 / “Business Internationalization Forum”, Conference and Matchmaking Event, November 3rd 2017, East Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
30/06/2017 /
Success story of West Region Romania - Arad West Industrial Zone
Location: in the western part of Romania - to the north of West Region. The city is only 60 km away from the border with Hungary.Owner: Arad City Council Description of the Arad West Industrial Zone·...
Location: in the western part of Romania - to the north of West Region. The city is only 60 km away from the border with Hungary.Owner: Arad City Council Description of the Arad West Industrial Zone·...