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Higher education

In West Region there are 14 higher education institutions offering specialization within 79 faculties and having 72.124 students in the academic year 2011-2012. There are also branches of other universities in West Region. With a population of over 10.000 students in the academic year 2011-2012, Timisoara is one of the most important university in Romania. Other university cities in the region are Arad, Resita, Deva, Hunedoara, Petrosani and Lugoj.

The main specialisations offered by the educational institutions in the region are:

  • engineering, tourism, environment protection, humanist and social studies, economics, theology, exact sciences, education sciences and social work, physical education and sports (in Arad, county of Arad)
  • engineering, economics, and administrative sciences (in Resita, county of Caraş-Severin)
  • econosics, computer science, environmental sciences, business administration, technical sciences and engineering (in Deva, Petrosani, and Hunedoara, county of Hunedoara)
  • law, social studies, economics, technical sciences (mechanics, automation, computer science, chemistry), medicine and pharmacy, agricultural and veterinarian studies, architecture (in Timisoara and Lugoj, county of Timis)