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Microsoft supports the Romanian business environment through Cloud Days

Date: 01/11/2011
Source: Ziua de Vest

Microsoft announces Cloud Days, a series of events dedicated to the opportunities offered by cloud computing solutions to increase productivity, reduce costs and streamline business processes.

The events take place during October 11th and November 4th, 2011 in Bucharest and in four cities. In Timisoara the event will be held on Friday, November 4th, 2011, between 8:30 and 16:30 at NH Hotel.

Within the events the participants will learn how Office 365, Dynamics CRM Online, Windows Intune, Windows Azure and Private Cloud help on improving business processes, reducing costs and identifying new business opportunities. Furthermore, the case studies will show the impact and the benefits that solutions have on business and also the added value obtained by a company who implemented cloud solutions.

In the first part, the participants will learn about Microsoft's strategy on Cloud Computing, the impact of Cloud solutions on business environment, the implementation of Microsoft's solutions in Romania and about some success stories.

The second part consists of three training sessions, depending on the area of interest: mangers choose Cloud Computing (addressed to managers of companies), Cloud Computing for IT professionals and Cloud Computing for application developers.


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