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The registration session for participating within the Regional Innovation Fair


The Regional Development Agency - West Region with Tehimpuls Association - The Regional Center for Innovation and Technological Transfer, the Innovation Agency from Szeged and IPA Fraunhofer Institute, in partnership with the regional cluster, Automotivest and the Regional Information and Communications Technology cluster, invite you to the conference of the first edition of the Regional Innovation Fair "InnoMatch" which will take place from 3 to 4 April 2013 at Expo Arad International.

The event will benefit from the presence of the World Bank, European Commission and the Smart Specialization Platform and will include:

  • Exhibition of innovative products, solutions and technologies in the West Region, Romania and Western Europe
  • Conference with plenary sessions and thematic panels in the areas of regional development, smart specialization, information and communication technology, automotive, finance and intellectual property innovation, clusters, renewable energy and energy efficiency
  • Regional innovation Awards Ceremony

As a participant you will attend meetings and exchange of information with representatives of central and local government, business environment, academia, research organizations and other key actors in innovation.

Also, you can identify potential collaborators, new skills in the areas covered by the exhibition and find innovative solutions with significant funding potential.

The Conference agenda is available here.

We mention that the fair and conference participation is free.

To register please access the form until March 29th 2013.

For any further information, contact person - Bianca Tataru, Promotion and Services Consultant,     Tel / Fax: 0256-491981, Email -


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