In terms of tourism resources and types of tourism, West Region is characterized by variety and heterogeneity caused primarily by the distribution of relief on the ground that makes possible a division of counties of the region into two main categories. Thus, the most economically developed counties, Timis and Arad, have a predominantly plain relief, making tourism based on the objectives to be predominantly anthropogenic. Instead, less developed counties in terms of economic, Caras-Severin and Hunedoara, have a tourism activity based on resources and natural objectives.
Arad County
Arad County tourism is based on natural heritage, especially on anthropogenic elements. Also benefits from a favorable position in the western part of Romania, located on major axis road communications (the 7th TEN-T axis and European roads E68 and E671), rail (the 22nd TEN-T axis) and air (Arad International Airport).
In terms of natural landscape is relatively well balanced and decreases from east to west, including mountain areas (Codu Moma Mountain and Zarand Mountain), hills (Lipovei hills), plain (West Plain), depressions, valleys (Mures Valley).
Natural resources consist of natural protected areas (Natural Park Lunca Muresului, Natural Reserve Mocrea - Ineu, Natural Reserve Moneasa, Arboretum Park, Mocrea-Ineu) and mineral and geothermal springs (Moneasa resort).
Anthropogenic tourism potential is represented by historical sights and cities (Arad Fortress, Siria, Soimos, Dezna), more than 20 castles (Syria, Curtici, Macea, Conop, Săvârşin, Birchiş etc.), Monasteries, monuments (Hodos-Bodrog, Lipova, Radna, etc.), churches (Juliţa, Hălmagiu, Ţărmure, Ioneşti, etc), ethnographic centers (centers of pottery production in Barsa, Tarnava, costumes, Sicula, Barsa, Buteni, traditional folkloric customs - Fair girls on Gaina Mountain, Fair Kiss from Hălmagiu) and rural economy (water mills on Rădeşti, Valea Mare, Iacobini, Vârfurile, Roşia).
The tourism potential of the county provides the practice of several types of tourism: spa resorts, cultural tourism, rural tourism, active and sporty tourism, speleological tourism, hunting and fishing tourism, business tourism, weekend tourism, transit tourism. The main tourist areas of the county are Codru Moma Mountains, Mures Valley, Arad Vineyard and Arad city.
Caras-Severin County
Caras-Severin County has an outstanding touristic potential both regional and national level, given the mountainous relief, but also the anthropogenic resources.
This potential is highlighted by the county's favorable position on the border with Serbia, two pan-European transport corridors, namely Corridor IV and VII (Danube). Natural resources are based on a predominantly mountainous relief represented by Banat Mountains and Retezat-Godeanu Mountains. In the area there are also four national parks (Semenic-Cheile Caraşului, Cheile Nerei-Beuşniţa, Domogled-Valea Cernei, Retezat), a natural park, Porţile de Fier, thermal and mineral sprigs (Baile Herculane), ski resorts (Semenic, Muntele Mic).
Anthropogenic tourism potential is well represented by the archaeological remains of Geto-Dacian (Bocşa, Colţan, Ocna de Fier, Oraviţa, Sasca Montană, etc.), by the Roman camp (Varadi, Mehadia, Teregova, Moldova Veche, etc.), medieval fortresses (Caraşova, Mehadia, Coronini, Caransebes, etc.), historical and religious monuments (monasteries, wood churches), historical monuments and groups of buildings (Caransebes Oravita, Baile Herculane Bocsa and Anina), museums and memorial houses (Resita Caransebes Oravita, Varadi, Ocna de Fier, Anina, Moldova Noua), ethnography and folklore.
The main types of tourism are practiced in nature: sports and adventure tourism, spa tourism, but also those related to anthropogenic resources: cultural tourism, rural tourism, events, transit tourism.
Hunedoara County
Hunedoara County has, like Caras-Severin a very important component of tourism given the exceptional natural resources, as well as historical and cultural of national and even European heritage. Although the location and accessibility to Western Europe is not as favorable as the other three counties, though the county is crossed by the Pan-European Corridor of Transport, IV, by axis road, TEN-T 7 and by railway axis TEN-T 22. Natural tourism resources are based on forms of mountain and depression relief (Carpatii Meridioanli - Retezat-Godeanu groups and Sureanu Poiana Rusca Mountains and Apuseni Mountains), protected areas of the two national parks (Retezat, Jiu Valley) and two natural parks (Geoparcul Dinozaurilor - Ţara Haţegului, Grădiştea Muncelului - Cioclovina), dendrologic parks (Simeria Arboretum), and mineral hot springs (Geoagiu Bai, Vata de Jos), ski resorts (Straja, Parang). Anthropogenic tourism resources are many and varied and include Roman archeological sites (complex Ulpia Augusta Dacia Traiana Sarmizegetusa Sarmizegetusa Regia), medieval fortresses (Corvin Castle, Deva Fortress), historical and religious-style art (Deva, Hunedoara, Calugara), museums and art galleries, ethnography and folklore.
Types of tourism in the county are: mountain tourism, sports and adventure tourism and recreation, but also activities related to cultural-historical and economic - cultural-historical tourism, rural tourism, industrial, transit tourism. The main tourist areas of the county are the Retezat area - Hateg Depression, Orastie Mountains, including Mures corridor and Deva (Hunedoara, Simeria) Parang Mountains - Valcan - Sureanu.
Timis County
Tourism in Timis County is based mainly on anthropogenic resources, especially economic and cultural rather than natural ones.
The tourism potential is enhanced by the favorable position of the county in terms of accessibility and proximity to Western European retail market. The county is situated on a pan-European corridor (IV), two axis TEN-T (7 and 22) and has an International Airport (Traian Vuia International Airport).
County's natural resources consist of karstic forms of relief, Poiana Rusca Mountains (Romanesti and Pietroasa caves), mineral and thermal springs (Buziaş, Calacea), natural reserves (ornithological reserve Satchinez). The tourist offer is complemented by medieval castles and fortresses (Huniade Castle in Timisoara), groups of buildings and monasteries (Baroque Palace of Timisoara, the castle of Queen Elizabeth from Banloc, Partos Monastery Saraca Monastery), cultural events and festivals, museums and memorial houses (Lugoj Traian Vuia), ethnography and art craft (Banat Village Museum, Dumbrava).
The types of tourism in the county are particularly transit and business tourism, urban tourism, cultural and historical tourism, medical tourism, health tourism and recreation and hunting and fishing and.
The main tourist areas of the county include Timişoara and surroundings, the Poiana Rusca Mountains and Buziaş-Recaş-Lugoj area.
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