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Technical education

In the school / academic year 2011-2012, the total number of students involved in professional and vocational education system was 10.268, distributed mainly in vocational education and apprenticeship.

Source: NIS, (2012), Statistical Yearbook of Romania 2013

The main vocational education profiles in the West Region differ from one of the four counties to another:

  • Arad: economics, construction, environment protection, transport, forestry, food industry, and hygiene
  • Caras-Severin: economics, construction-assembly, machine construction, agriculture, forestry, road transport, arts and crafts
  • Hunedoara: technical colleges, arts & crafts schools, energy, railroads, agriculture, telecommunications and public construction, economics, industrial/mining
  • Timis: industrial, forestry, postal and telecommunication services, agriculture, architecture, energy, electrotechnics, economics, railroad transport, chemistry and environment protection, road transportation, food industry, health.